SweTrack Lite+ supports an external power relay. Note that this relay is not included with the product but can be purchased separately from well-stocked electronics stores and hardware stores.
Using the relay is completely optional and you can still track your vehicle without this feature. Installing a relay is not quite as simple as installing your GPS tracker to the plus and minus of a battery. We strongly recommend that you have a professional handle the relay connection. SweTrack does not take responsibility for damage to the product or property that occurs as a result of incorrect installation. Note that improper use of the relay can damage both product and property. SweTrack does not take responsibility for damage caused by the use of relays.
The power relay can be installed on a vast majority of vehicles, but the procedure may look a little different depending on the relay that you buy (read the instructions for your relay on how exactly to proceed) Common to all relays, however, is that the power relay is installed between the battery, the GPS tracker and the vehicle.